Caleb Green Team is a committee of students and parents helping implement projects that create awareness and education on environmental issues and concerns.

Our Mission: To help students, staff, and families discover ways to become “Stewards for the Earth” by providing opportunities for participating in “green” projects and programs throughout the year.

Goals 2010-2011:

~Recycle Art Projects

~Classroom Worm Compost Bins
~E-Waste Fundraiser
~School Waste Audit
~Recycle/Compost Lunch Program
~Earth Week: April 2011
~Bike/Walk to School Week Challenge

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Recycled Fashion Show April 22nd-EARTH DAY!

Caleb’s Recycled Fashion Show
Earth Day April 22nd

This dress was made out of recycled cans, bottle tops, cardboard, glass beads, and plastic bags!

Make a dress, shirt, pants, or hat out of recycled materials
M.C. will introduce you as you walk down the catwalk
Pictures of YOU will be taken! (Photos will be available on Monday April 26th)
Some ideas are; plastic bag dress, grocery bag t-shirts, tissue paper hats- use your imagination!
Sign up to reserve your space in the spotlight
Fashion show will begin @ 11:15 a.m.
Student Name Teacher

Earh Week Events ,April 19-23

Caleb Greenwood‘s
“Steward of the EARTH”
Poster Contest!

We want YOU to create a poster on how you are a “Steward of the Earth” either at home or at school. Some ideas are recycling , using
re-usable items, carpooling, walking or riding your bike to school, composting, conserving water and/or energy!

Posters due by: APRIL 16TH
Winner for each grade (K-8)
Winners receive mini-pizza and other prizes!
One winner’s design will be selected to be used for the “Steward of the Earth” t-shirts!
Please include your name and teachers’ name on back of your poster entry
Posters should be on a 11” x17” or 12” x 18” paper and no larger than 16” x 20”

Monday April 19th
Chalk World Art Day: Help draw/color a picture of the world with chalk on the blacktop!
Tuesday April 20th
Earth Music Day: Make musical instruments out of recycled materials and join the “Save the Earth” Parade!
Wednesday April 21st
Waste Free Lunch Day: Pack a lunch using reusable bags/containers and get a prize!
Thursday April 22nd
Recycled Fashion Show Day/ Earth Rally @ Capitol 3 p.m.
Create a wardrobe out of recycled items and walk down the catwalk at lunch!
Friday April 23
Garden Day/Papa Murphy’s Pizza Order Pick Ups
Plant a sunflower seed to take home. Pick up your Pizza and help raise money for Caleb’s Green Team!

Caleb's Waste Free Lunch Project

Caleb's Waste Free Lunch Project
Purchase a Laptop Lunch, Help the Green Team! Click on image to order yours today!

Drink Pouch Brigade- Help us earn money for our school by recycling juice pouches!

Drink Pouch Brigade- Help us earn money for our school by recycling juice pouches!
By recycling 1 Capri Sun, Honest Tea, & other juice pouches, our school earns 2 cents! Click on image for more information.