Caleb Green Team is a committee of students and parents helping implement projects that create awareness and education on environmental issues and concerns.

Our Mission: To help students, staff, and families discover ways to become “Stewards for the Earth” by providing opportunities for participating in “green” projects and programs throughout the year.

Goals 2010-2011:

~Recycle Art Projects

~Classroom Worm Compost Bins
~E-Waste Fundraiser
~School Waste Audit
~Recycle/Compost Lunch Program
~Earth Week: April 2011
~Bike/Walk to School Week Challenge

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lunch Waste Audit

On Tuesday Feb.8th the Green Team 3 parents and 20 students from grades 1-5 conducted Caleb's first lunch waste audit. Students sorted lunch waste into 5 categories: 1) Milk Cartons- emptied 2) Compostables 3) Non-compostable food waste 4) Recyables 5) Non-recyables. Volume and weight were recorded and will be presented to school in the next few weeks. Students who helped were awarded a free mini-pizza from Papa Murphys Pizza. The 5th grade students will be creating a poster/lay-out of all the data recorded. Here are some pictures from the audit:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Compost Update

We currently have worms bins in 6 classrooms now!
Thanks to two parents we have 2 outdoor composting bins as well.
Our 7th outdoor worm bin is located next to our compost bins and is thriving- thanks to Mrs.Mallicoat's Special Educaton class.

Our hope is to begin 3 more worm bins for 4th, 5th and middle school classrooms.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Recycled Ornament & Holiday Craft Sale- Success!

Just wanted to say a BIG thanksto all who purchased your childs/students holiday recycled ornament and crafts! Special Thanks to Kinder parents: Anna Rose, Jill Boourneman, Nan Fitzpatrick, Suzanne Talbert, Ann Gregory, Amy McGoldrick, Kelli Codero, Jenny Matchell, Kristy Coroan, Ginger Stimac, and Angela Glasgow for helping in the classrooms with the projects!!!! Such a GREAT success in helping our school be more green! Here's to a GREEN NEW YEAR!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Classroom Worm Compost Bins

We have started Worm Compost Bins in 5 Caleb classrooms!

Students were taught by Green Docents a worm composting lesson which included reasons for worm composting (reduce school lunch waste), what worms can/can't eat, started worm bin (added bedding, food scraps, and worms, and begun worm journals.
Students will fill a 16 oz container with lunch food scraps (fruit/veggie scraps) every monday, wednesday, and friday. Thanks to teachers/classrooms who now have worm bins!
~Mr.Myers and Mrs.Ching's 2nd grade
~Mrs. Kitowski's and Mrs.Pascoe/Aguirre's 1st grade
~Mrs. Lee's 3rd grade

An outdoor worm bin was also started and will be a learning bin for Kindergarten and other classrooms!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Caleb Wins Solar Educational Grant!

A $850 grant from the City of Sacramento (via Solar America) has been given to Caleb Greenwood to assist with our Green Team Goals! A portion of these funds will help Caleb students learn how to use solar ovens and other energy saving related projects!

For more info. visit:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Recycled Holiday Project Dec.'10

Students K-8 will be creating Recycled Holiday Crafts/Ornaments for Caleb's Holiday B-Fast/Flap Jack Run(on Saturday Dec.11th, 2011 )! Crafts can be purchased for $3 proceeds benefiting Caleb's Compost and Recycling Projects1

Kindergarten: Paper Maiche Ornaments
1st & 2nd: Bottle Cap Tree Ornaments
3rd-5th grade: Junk Mail Bracelets

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Caleb's Educational Garden Project & Green Team Update

These are some of the things that the Green Team and the Garden Docents have been working on the last month:
~ Gathering support from parents, teachers, students, and P.T.S.O. for implementing steps for teaching garden lessons in classrooms.
~ Organized and cleaned garden shed for materials and tools for ed. garden lessons.
~ Purchased materials for ed. garden projects
~ Planted winter gardens for 2nd grade classes (Mr.Myers and Mrs. Ching): lettuce, carrots, spinach, kale, chard, broccoli, bok choi, peas, and collards. 3rd grade Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Stallworth's class, as well as kindergarten classes Mrs. Wong and Mrs. Richardson (radishes, peas, lettuce, carrots).
~ Weeded and dug out dead and/or diseased plants in other garden plots.
~ Taught Soil Compsition Lesson to 2nd grade classes: Mr. Myers and Mrs. Ching,
as well as 3rd grade classes: Mrs. Stallworth & Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Wong's Kindergarten class as well.
~ Harvested vegetables for garden snack vegetable soup for Mr. Myers and Mrs. Cherry's clasrrom-students LOVED it!

Caleb's Waste Free Lunch Project

Caleb's Waste Free Lunch Project
Purchase a Laptop Lunch, Help the Green Team! Click on image to order yours today!

Drink Pouch Brigade- Help us earn money for our school by recycling juice pouches!

Drink Pouch Brigade- Help us earn money for our school by recycling juice pouches!
By recycling 1 Capri Sun, Honest Tea, & other juice pouches, our school earns 2 cents! Click on image for more information.