Caleb Green Team is a committee of students and parents helping implement projects that create awareness and education on environmental issues and concerns.

Our Mission: To help students, staff, and families discover ways to become “Stewards for the Earth” by providing opportunities for participating in “green” projects and programs throughout the year.

Goals 2010-2011:

~Recycle Art Projects

~Classroom Worm Compost Bins
~E-Waste Fundraiser
~School Waste Audit
~Recycle/Compost Lunch Program
~Earth Week: April 2011
~Bike/Walk to School Week Challenge

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Classroom Worm Compost Bins

We have started Worm Compost Bins in 5 Caleb classrooms!

Students were taught by Green Docents a worm composting lesson which included reasons for worm composting (reduce school lunch waste), what worms can/can't eat, started worm bin (added bedding, food scraps, and worms, and begun worm journals.
Students will fill a 16 oz container with lunch food scraps (fruit/veggie scraps) every monday, wednesday, and friday. Thanks to teachers/classrooms who now have worm bins!
~Mr.Myers and Mrs.Ching's 2nd grade
~Mrs. Kitowski's and Mrs.Pascoe/Aguirre's 1st grade
~Mrs. Lee's 3rd grade

An outdoor worm bin was also started and will be a learning bin for Kindergarten and other classrooms!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to bring reCREATE to your school - Kudos for your green efforts!!


Caleb's Waste Free Lunch Project

Caleb's Waste Free Lunch Project
Purchase a Laptop Lunch, Help the Green Team! Click on image to order yours today!

Drink Pouch Brigade- Help us earn money for our school by recycling juice pouches!

Drink Pouch Brigade- Help us earn money for our school by recycling juice pouches!
By recycling 1 Capri Sun, Honest Tea, & other juice pouches, our school earns 2 cents! Click on image for more information.