Caleb Green Team is a committee of students and parents helping implement projects that create awareness and education on environmental issues and concerns.

Our Mission: To help students, staff, and families discover ways to become “Stewards for the Earth” by providing opportunities for participating in “green” projects and programs throughout the year.

Goals 2010-2011:

~Recycle Art Projects

~Classroom Worm Compost Bins
~E-Waste Fundraiser
~School Waste Audit
~Recycle/Compost Lunch Program
~Earth Week: April 2011
~Bike/Walk to School Week Challenge

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Email to School District Board....

I am a parent @ Caleb Greenwood K-8 School in River Park. Our school has started a "Green Team" ; a committee of parents that hopes to enhance and inspire our students, staff, & families of helping the earth. Through beginning various projects such as a worm compost,, "Stewards of the Earth" (student/classroom recycling monitors, etc.), educational school-wide garden, waste-free lunch, and Earth Day projects, etc.

I noticed there is not a recycling committee for the our district and if there is one, there isn't a lot of publicity and/or efforts being made to enhance this VERY important curriculum throughout our schools in Sacramento.

I've attached a essay entitled "Small Steps" as a example of how we can improve efforts in reducing waste costs, improving student health (i.e. garden benefits=more veggies!), and overall impact on our environment. My dream would be to implement a program like the Davis Unified School District has so successfully done with their Farm to School Program and other "green" school wide activities taught in the classrooms.

Please contact me if you would like me to present a Resolution in support of these efforts at the next School Board meeting. I would offer my time and ideas/suggestions on how we can work together in making this happen. As the California Board of Waste Management (or Cal Recycle) states in their District Wide Approach to Recycling, "Because new equipment and technology do not save resources, people do! ("

Kim Felix
Parent/Committee Chair Caleb's "Green Team"

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Caleb's Waste Free Lunch Project

Caleb's Waste Free Lunch Project
Purchase a Laptop Lunch, Help the Green Team! Click on image to order yours today!

Drink Pouch Brigade- Help us earn money for our school by recycling juice pouches!

Drink Pouch Brigade- Help us earn money for our school by recycling juice pouches!
By recycling 1 Capri Sun, Honest Tea, & other juice pouches, our school earns 2 cents! Click on image for more information.